Help noow!
LGBTQ Emergency Fund for Ukraine
Queer refugees and queer people in Ukraine are especially endangered and need our support. With you donation to the LGBTQ Emergency Fund for Ukraine we can help them.
We are shocked by the war that is currently raging in Ukraine. Wars pose great danger to particularly vulnerable people. The threat of a takeover by an anti-LGBTQ Russian regime is especially terrifying for our queer friends in Ukraine.
This is why we are collecting donations with the LGBTQ Emergency Fund for Ukraine. We are asking for donations in two areas:
- The support of Ukranian LGBTQ refugees in Switzerland
- The support of LGBTQ organisations in Ukraine
How are we helping?
The Pink Cross office ensures that all donations are used for their intended purposes. They will only be used for the support of civilians and the two points mentioned above.
A Steering Committee decides how the funds are used. The money should quickly reach LGBTQ people who are suffering, in danger or refugees because of the war in Ukraine. The focus is on emergency help.
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Vermerk: Spende Ukraine
PostFinance AG
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3030 Bern
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